
   Japanese English
Terms for subject Abbreviation (5248 entries)
一分判 gold quarter-ryou
一分判 Edo-period coin
一向 {ichi1} Jodo Shinshu
一気 {news1 nf03} chug!
一気 {news1 nf03} drink!
一通 {news1 nf19} one-way traffic
一通 {news1 nf19} pure straight
一通 {news1 nf19} winning hand containing nine consecutive tiles of the same suit
一般相対論 general theory of relativity
一塁 {news1 nf07} first baseman
一塁 {news1 nf07} one fort
一卵性 identical
一実神道 Ichijitsu Shinto
一財 general incorporated foundation
一盃 pure double chow
一盃 winning hand containing two identical chows
最高検 {news1 nf21} Public Prosecutor's Office
最高裁 {news1 nf03} Supreme Court