
   Japanese English
Terms for subject Food industry (1223 entries)
下膳 clearing up leftover food and dishes
伏兎 deep-fried mochi
小料理 casual dish
小料理 simple dish
小柱 trough shell adductor muscle
小柱 columella
唐揚 fried food
唐揚げ {news2 nf34} fried food
向附 dish placed on the far side of the serving table
向附 side dishes at a banquet
向付 dish placed on the far side of the serving table
向付 side dishes at a banquet
向付け dish placed on the far side of the serving table
向付け side dishes at a banquet
洗い sashimi chilled in iced water
洗い酢 vinegar used to wash or season seafood
洗魚 sashimi chilled in iced water
洗鱠 sashimi chilled in iced water
洗膾 sashimi chilled in iced water
甘夏 sweet (variety of) Watson pomelo