
   Japanese English
Terms for subject Informal (2268 entries)
一本ぐそ long, rope-like excrement
一本グソ long, rope-like excrement
一味違う {spec1} to be somewhat different
一穴 one-woman man
一楽 one of (one's) hobbies
言わんこっちゃない I told you so
持ち越し work, items, etc. carried over from earlier
持ち越し hangover
持ち越し what you ate the day before
持て期 period (of life) when one is enjoying more romantic attention than usual
持越し work, items, etc. carried over from earlier
持越し hangover
持越し what you ate the day before
砂利 {news1 nf19} child
砂利 {news1 nf19} rugrat
砂利 {news1 nf19} ankle-biter
砂ずり chicken gizzard
砂摩り chicken gizzard
砂摺り chicken gizzard
七弦琴 qin