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Terms for subject General (5320 entries)
"28. režīms" 28th regime
"A" punkta piezīme "A" item note
"Atvērto debesu" līguma konsultatīvā komisija Open Skies Consultative Commission
"Clean Sky" Clean Sky Joint Undertaking
"Clean Sky" Clean Sky
"Clean Sky" Clean Sky JU
"Clean Sky" Clean Sky Undertaking
"Comenius" Comenius
"Comenius" Comenius programme
"drošības zonas" principi safe harbour privacy principles
"Erasmus Mundus" komiteja Erasmus Mundus Committee
"Erasmus Mundus" komiteja Committee for implementation of the programme for the enhancement of quality in higher education and the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries (Erasmus Mundus)
"goda aizstāvēšanas" noziegums honour crime
"goda aizstāvēšanas" noziegums honour related crime
"I/A" punkta piezīme "I/A" item note
"Licences Eiropai" Licences for Europe
"piektā brīvība" "fifth freedom"
"piektā brīvība" free movement of knowledge
"Rio+20" United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
"Rio+20" Rio+20