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Terms for subject Finances (2932 entries)
"dark pool" dark pool
"flash crash" flash crash
"līgumsaistību ūdenskritums" contractual waterfall
"pelēkais" tirgus grey capital market
"pelēkais" tirgus grey market
"piesārņotājs maksā" princips "polluter pays" principle
"sedz faktiskos izdevumus" princips principle of "costs lie where they fall"
"sweetener" sweetener
"zelta izpletnis" golden parachute
50/50 noteikums 50/50 financing rule
abas budžeta lēmējinstitūcijas iestādes two arms of the budgetary authority
ad valorem nodoklis ad valorem tax
ADB Asian Development Bank
administratīva iestāde administrative authority
administratīvie izdevumi operating expenditure
agregēšanas klauzula aggregation clause
agregēšanas klauzula aggregation mechanism
AIFP alternative investment fund manager
AIFP manager of alternative investment funds
aizdevējiestāde lending institution