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Terms for subject Microsoft (111 entries)
Microsoft® Publisher 2010 Microsoft® Publisher 2010
Microsoft® Visio® Premium 2010 Microsoft® Visio® Premium 2010
Microsoft® Visio® Professional 2010 Microsoft® Visio® Professional 2010
Microsoft® Visio® Standard 2010 Microsoft® Visio® Standard 2010
Microsoft® Word 2010 Microsoft® Word 2010
Microsoft® Word 2010 voor Thuisgebruik en Studenten Microsoft® Word Home and Student 2010
Association Française de Normalization-certificering AFNOR
Authentic, Energetic, Reflective en Open Aero
Blackberry (R) Business Cloud Services BlackBerryR Business Cloud Services
Business Contact Manager voor Outlook 2010 Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010
Caps Lock Caps Lock
Certificate of Authenticity COA
chroom Chrome
Common Language Runtime Common Language Runtime
computer met Intel-architectuur IA-PC
contravariantie Contravariance
Data Terminal Ready DTR
dpi dpi