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Terms for subject Customs (362 entries)
bewijs van herkomst certificate of country of origin
bewijs van herkomst certificate of origin
bewijs van herkomst origin certificate
bewijs van oorsprong evidence of origin
bewijs van oorsprong proof of origin
bijzonder douanestelsel special customs system
bijzondere bestemming end-use
bijzondere douaneregeling special customs system
bijzondere regeling special procedure
certificaat van oorsprong certificate of country of origin
certificaat van oorsprong origin certificate
certificaat van oorsprong formulier A certificate of origin Form A
commies customs officer
commies customs official
commies officer
communautair douanewetboek Community Customs Code
compensatie adjustment of a credit balance
compensatie adjustment of credit balance
compensatierente compensatory interest
controle na vrijgave post-release control