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Terms for subject Natural sciences (16725 entries)
"cel als fabriek" cell factory
"global change"-programma global change programme
"nieuwe kennis, nieuwe banen" "new knowledge, new jobs"
"preform" voor glasvezels optical fibre preform
"preform" voor koolstofvezels carbon fibre preform
"procédé-plus-katalysator"-pakket process-plus-catalyst package
"quantum well"-component quantum well device
"quantum well"-technologie quantum well technology
"socies" socies
...met Ranunculus nodiflores-verbond op zuur substraat temporary pond with Ranunculion nodiflores on silicous rock
1 droes Streptococcus equi infection
1 droes strangles
1 erfelijke fout 1 hereditary defect
1/v-wet 1/v law
50% weefselcultuur infectieuze dosis 50% tissue culture infective dose
50% weefselcultuur infectieuze dosis tissue culture infective dose 50
=...met Biesvaren-orde temporary pond with isoetalia on sand
a-selecte steekproefmethode random selection
AAA-project Advanced Aero-Amphibian project
aaltje banana nematode