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Terms for subject Marketing (5108 entries)
"advertising medium" advertising medium
"below-the-line-entry" Below the line
"cold calling" cold calling
1)altri tipi di partecipazione other investments
1)anticipi a fornitori di immobilizzazioni immateriali advances and payments on account in respect of intangible assets
1)clienti conto fatture da emettere accrued income for goods
1)debiti verso fornitori trade creditors-bills of exchange payable
1)Erario conto imposte sul reddito Government-corporation tax
1)Erario conto imposte sul reddito State-income tax
1)Erario conto ritenute redditi di lavoro Government-taxes recoverable from third parties
1)fondo svalutazione crediti verso clienti provision for loss in value of customer accounts
1)fornitori conto fatture da ricevere accruals for goods and services for which invoices have not yet been received
1)merci conto vendite sales of goods purchased for resale
1)oneri sociali social security and other benefits
1)personale conto anticipi personnel-advances and payments on account
1)personale conto depositi personnel-deposits
1)personale conto ricorsi personnel-blocked accounts
1)prodotti finiti conto vendite sales of manufactured finished goods
1)semilavorati conto vendite sales of work in progress
1)soci-conto capitale shareholders-capital accounts