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Terms for subject United Nations (800 entries)
"Positive Agenda and Future Trade Negotiations" Positive Agenda and Future Trade Negotiations
"We, the peoples": generalsekretærens årtusindrapport "We, the peoples": Millennium report of the Secretary-General
"We, the peoples": generalsekretærens årtusindrapport Millennium report
"We, the peoples": generalsekretærens millenniumrapport "We, the peoples": Millennium report of the Secretary-General
"We, the peoples": generalsekretærens millenniumrapport Millennium report
1373-komitéen Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism
1373-komitéen 1373 Committee
1373-komitéen Counter-Terrorism Committee
20/20-initiativ 20/20 initiative
2015-mål Millennium Development Goal
Ad Hoc-Gruppen vedrørende De Forenede Nationers Konference om Videnskab og Teknologi til Udviklingsformål (UNCSTD) Ad hoc Group "United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development (UNCSTD)
Ad hoc-komitéen for Sikkerhedsgarantier Ad Hoc Committee on Security Assurances
adfærdskodeks for retshåndhævelsespersonale Code of Conduct for Law enforcement Officials
Administrationskomitéen Administrative Committee
administrationsudvalg Administrative Committee
administrerende myndighed administering authority
Afdeling for Fredsbevarende Operationer Department of Peacekeeping Operations
afdeling for nedrustning Department for Disarmament Affairs
Afdelingen for Fredsbevarende Operationer Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Afdelingen for Information og Politikanalyse på det Økonomiske og Sociale Område Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis