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Terms for subject Statistics (8509 entries)
"beta-prime" fordeling beta-prime distribution
"cigarette card" fordeling cigarette card distribution
"confounding factor" confounder
"dummy" behandling dummy treatment
"halshugget" negativ binomial-fordeling decapitated negative binomial distribution
"indice di attrazione" index of attraction
"k"-klasse estimator k-class estimator
"mover-stayer" model mover-stayer model
"nøgent" klassifikationssystem classifier system proper
"student"-transformation studentisation
0-14 årige kvindelige del af befolkningen female population aged 0-14
100 % inspektion med sortering screening inspection
100%-editeret detaljefil hundred-percent edited detail file
2 X 5-faktormodel 2 X 5 factorial design
3-D diagram stereogram
4M-løbeseddel 4M flyer
4M-løbeseddel early alert motivation mail-out flyer
70-reglen rule of 70
a priori sandsynlighed prior probability
a priori statistisk overvågning prior statistical monitoring