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Terms for subject Marketing (4390 entries)
"backlog"-afskrivning backlog depreciation
"bedste gældende praksis"-takst for samtrafik "best current practice" interconnection charge
"cash-back"-kupon cash-back coupon
"cold calling" cold calling
"Coline"-systemet Coline system
"Coline"-systemet Consumer Line System
"cost plus"-basis "cost plus" basis
"diverse" konto sundries account
"diverse"-konto sundry cash accounts
"oppuste" aktiekapitalen watering of capital
"oppuste" aktiekapitalen watering of stock
"premixed credit" premixed credit
"pure-cover" tranche pure cover tranche
"sagens akter" franchise sale documents
"sagens akter" franchise sale papers
10-K 10-K report
10-K form 10K
10-K-rapport 10-K
10-K-rapport form 10K
10-K-rapport 10-K report