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Terms for subject Criminal law (1042 entries)
"bodypacker" "bodypacker"
"haze"-efterforskning haze investigation
"haze"-efterforskning police undercover investigation activities
"hit-and-run"-tyveri "hit-and-run" burglary
"skimming" skimming
"sluger" "swallower"
Ad hoc-komitéen for Forhandlinger om en Konvention mod Korruption Ad hoc Committee on the Negotiation of a Convention against Corruption
Ad hoc-udvalget om Indsatsen mod Menneskehandel Ad hoc Committee on action against trafficking in human beings
Adriaterhavskonference European Conference on Development and Security in the Adriatic and Ionian Area
adskillelse layering
ændringsprotokol til den europæiske konvention om bekæmpelse af terrorisme Protocol amending the European Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism
æresdrab "honour killing"
aflæsning af magnetlæsefeltet skimming
afpresning extortion
afpresning blackmail
afsoning med elektronisk fodlænke curfew order with electronic monitoring
afsoning med elektronisk fodlænke home detention curfew
afstraffelse punishment attack
afstraffelse punishment beating
afstraffelse punishment shooting