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Terms for subject Astronautics (292 entries)
"crazy"-flyvning "crazy" flight
åben kvadriga Open Quadriga
åbningstid hours when aerodrome is available for use
affald i rummet space debris
affyringskontrolbunker blockhouse
affyringsrampe launch pad
affyringsrampe launch stand
affyringsrampe launching pad
AFIS-enhed aerodrome flight information service unit
afskæringsmission på kollisionskurs collision course interception
afskydningsplatform launch pad
aftale mellem de stater, som er deltagere i konventionen vedrørende oprettelsen af en europæisk rumorganisation og Den Europæiske Rumorganisation til beskyttelse og udveksling af klassificerede oplysninger Agreement between the States Parties to the Convention for the establishment of a European Space Agency and the European Space Agency for the protection and the exchange of classified information
aftale om satellitopsendelser agreement on space-launch services
ansat employee
antal betalte starter number of paid take-offs
antal luftfartøjer number of aircraft
antal luftfartøjer i drift number of aircraft in operation
antal starter number of take-offs
apollo-soyuz-projekt Apollo-Soyuz test project
arbejdsaktivitet work in progress