
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O PR S T U V W X Y Z Æ Ø Å É È Ê Ó Ò Â Ô Ü Á À   >>
Terms for subject Obsolete / dated (1443 entries)
"back office"-transaktion back office operation
"first-to-default" -kurveprodukt first-to-default basket product
"jump-to-default"-risiko jump-to-default risk
"Margin lending"-transaktioner margin lending transaction
"nth to default" nth to default
"nth to default" nth to default credit derivatives
"one way"-marked one way market
"trading desk" trading desk
"wrong-way" -risikoengagementer wrong-way risk exposure
A-sukker A sugar
A-sukkerroe A beet
AACI-Europe Airports Council International Europe
AACI-Europe ACI Europe
AACI-Europe Airports Association Council International - European Region (AACI)
åbningsbalance opening balance
Ad Hoc-Gruppen vedrørende Bæredygtighedskriterier for Biobrændstoffer Ad hoc Working Group on Sustainability Criteria for Biofuels
Ad hoc-gruppen vedrørende den Fælles EU-Afrika-strategi Ad hoc Working Party on Joint EU-Africa Strategy
Ad hoc-gruppen vedrørende Det Europæiske Teknologiske Institut Ad hoc Working Party on the European Institute of Technology (EIT)
Ad hoc-gruppen vedrørende Grundlæggende Rettigheder og Unionsborgerskab Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens' Rights and Free Movement of Persons
Ad hoc-gruppen vedrørende Grundlæggende Rettigheder og Unionsborgerskab Ad hoc Working Party on Fundamental Rights and Citizenship