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Terms for subject Banking (293 entries)
"handel og salg" trading and sales
"total return swap" total rate of return swap
"total return swap" total return swap
"total return swap" TR swap
accessorisk bankvirksomhed ancillary banking service
accessorisk bankvirksomhed banking type of ancillary service
administrationsselskab corporation trust
aftalemæssig indskudsgarantiordning contractual Deposit Guarantee Scheme
afviklingsfond bank resolution fund
afviklingsfond resolution fund
aktieafkast equity returns
aktiv med lav risiko low-risk asset
almindelige regler om særbehandling general preferential treatment
andelskasse mutual or cooperative bank
automat automated teller machine
automat automatic teller machine
automat cash dispenser
automat cash machine
automat cash point
automatisk kontor automated teller machine