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Terms for subject Surgery (12753 entries)
一期愈合 healing by first intention
一期小肠移植 one-stage small intestine transplantation
一期缝合 primary suture
一期修复 one stage repair
一期修复手术 primary repair
一期延迟缝合 primary delayed suture
一期延迟缝合 primo-secondary suture
一般感染 nonspecific infection
一度烧伤 first degree burn
开放引流 open drainage
开放伤 open injury
开放性 open
开放性 patent
开放性脊柱裂 spinal bifida aperta
开放性脑创伤清创术 debridement of open wound of brain
开放性气胸 blowing wound
开放性损伤 opened injury
开放性颅骨骨折 open fracture of skull
开放性骨折 opened fracture
开放皮瓣 open flap