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Terms for subject Bridge (card game) (4574 entries)
一同撞死 knock together
一搏输赢 shooting
一个额外墩 one-odd
一个花色在对手中的分配 cards of a suit in opponent's hand
一般用途的扣叫 general purpose cue-bid
一阶叫牌 one-bid
一场比赛的副数 length of a session
一手理想牌 perfect hand
一手理想牌 perfect hand
一手打"无将"的牌 notrumper
一手弱牌 bad hand
一手弱牌 bad hands
一手牌 hand
一手牌 hand
一手牌或一副牌的可能数目 number of possible hands or deals
一摞牌张 packet
一摞牌张 packet
一副 pack
一副开叫 one-bid
一副水平 one-odd