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Terms for subject Household appliances (141 entries)
挂干 line dry
漂洗 blench wash
砂冼 sand wash
搅拌机 blender
搅拌机是用来将液体和软质食物搅拌在一起的电动机械 A blender is an electric machine that you use to mix liquids and soft foods together
清洁真空 fluid-free vacuum
按摩靠垫 massage cushion
按钮开关 button switch
上浆 starch
不可脱水 not spin
不可拧干 not wring
不可拧绞 not twist
我应该用电动牙刷还是普通牙刷? Should I use an electric toothbrush or a regular toothbrush?
我们用负离子发生器净化一下空气吧 Let's purify air with a negative ion generator
我们用新买的果汁机打一杯橙子和苹果的混合果汁怎么样? Shall we make a glass of orange and apple juice with our newly purchased juice extractor?
我想尽一切办法才将湿衣物拖到自助洗衣店 Somehow I managed to lug the wet clothes to the laundromat
专业干洗 professionally dry clean
易燃易爆的 flammable
drip dry
渗滤式咖啡壶,过滤器 percolator