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Terms for subject Winemaking (96 entries)
大规模生产 large-scale production
欧雷 ole
在波尔多这个经典产地中心,坐落着很多著名的酒庄 At its center is the classic area of Bordeaux, where the vast majority of the most famous chateaux are located
搭卖的,搭配的 tie-in
防伪标签 forgery-proof label
强劲的 robust
奎宁水,汤力水一种味微苦、常加于烈性酒中的有气饮料 tonic
归类 classify
酒水 drinks
酒水按工艺分为蒸馏酒、发酵酒和配制酒 Liquor is categorized as distilled liquor, brewed wine and compound wine
酒味清醇可口 The wine is pure and smooth to the palate
酒窖 cellar
酒精含量 alcohol content
酒精饮料 alcoholic beverage
酒精的,含酒精的 alcoholic
酒评家 wine critic
罗纳河 Rhone
坚定的 robust
杜松子酒 gin
神秘性 mystique