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Terms for subject Forestry (3964 entries)
一次性嫁接 single-worked tree
一次主伐的 monocyclic
一次采完 cut-to-completion cutting
一次能源总供给 total primary energy supply
一套〔成组〕拆卸器 puller set
刀耕火种 swidden farming
刀耕火种制 shifting cultivation
刀耕火种制 shifting agriculture
刀耕火种制 roving cultivation
攀树器 climbing iron
最佳估计式 best estimator
最高收益轮伐期 rotation of the highest income
稀植人工林 thinly-planted wood
稀植人工林 depleted wood
稀树草原 open tree savanna
稀疏郁闭 roomy
稀疏郁闭 undererowded
稀疏郁闭 thinly stocked
稀疏郁闭 undercrowded
退化 forest degradation