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Terms for subject Pulp and paper industry (417 entries)
一般地 normally
匀度 formation
送样 outturn sheet
送样 outturn sample
送样 reference sheet
漂白水 clear white water
漂白的牛皮纸板 bleached kraft liner
布心纸 cloth-centred paper
处理的生水供给 treated raw water supply
包装纸和纸板 wrapping and packaging paper and board
包装盒 packing box
栅栏板 barrier board
清洗器 cleaner
锅炉灰渣废物 boiler ash wastes
圆辊涂布 roll coating
堆袋室 baghouse
堆料机悬臂 stacker boom
堆料机悬臂 stacking boom
备用支路 emergency by-pass
备用储备纸 emergency storage pile