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Terms for subject Environment (6284 entries)
Afrika jižní Southern Africa (A geographic region of the African continent astride the Tropic of Capricorn, including Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and also the Kalahari Desert, Zambezi River and Orange River)
Afrika severní North Africa (A geographic region of the African continent south of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea, and north of Africa's tropical rain forest, including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and the Egyptian region west of the Suez Canal, and also the Sahara Desert and Atlas Mountains)
Afrika střední Central Africa (A geographic region of the African continent close to the equator that includes Cameroon, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo)
Afrika východní East Africa (A geographic region of the African continent that includes Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Somalia, and also Mt. Kilimanjaro and Lake Victoria)
Afrika západní West Africa (A geographic region of the African continent bordered in the west and south by the Atlantic Ocean, including the republics of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cote D'ivoire, Gambie, Ghana, Guinee Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritanie, Niger, Nigeria, Sengegal, Sierra Leone and Togo)
agentura pro ochranu prostředí životního environmental administration institution (A central government organization that has authority or oversight over government activity relating to the preservation and safeguarding of ecological or natural resources)
agentura pro ochranu prostředí životního environmental protection agency (EPA is the US Government's watchdog agency responsible for controlling the pollution of air and water, pesticides, radiation hazards and noise pollution. The agency is also involved in research to examine the effects of pollution)
aglomerace městská conurbation (1. A large densely populated urban sprawl formed by the growth and coalescence of individual towns or cities. 2. Large area covered with buildings (houses or factories or public building, etc.) 3. A large area occupied by urban development, which may contain isolated rural areas, and formed by the merging together of expanding towns that formerly were separate)
agrochemikálie agrochemical (Any substance or mixture of substances used or intended to be used for preventing, destroying, repelling, attracting, inhibiting, or controlling any insects, rodents, birds, nematodes, bacteria, fungi, weeds or other forms of plant, animal or microbial life regarded as pests)
agroekosystém agrosystem (Ecosystem dominated by the continuous agricultural intervention of man)
agrolesnictví agroforestry (The interplanting of farm crops and trees, especially leguminous species. In semiarid regions and on denuded hillsides, agroforestry helps control erosion and restores soil fertility, as well as supplying valuable food and commodities at the same time)
agrometeorologie agrometeorology (The study of the interaction between meteorological and hydrological factors, on the one hand, and agriculture in the widest sense, including horticulture, animal husbandry and forestry, on the other)
agronomie agronomy (The principles and procedures of soil management and of field crop and special-purpose plant improvement, management, and production)
agropalivo agrofuel
agroprůmysl agroindustry (Industry dealing with the supply, processing and distribution of farm products)
agroturistika agritourism (Holidays organized in a farm: meals are prepared with natural products and guests are entertained with handicraft, sporting and agricultural activities)
AIDS AIDS (aquired immune deficiency syndrome; The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is caused by HIV-virus manifested by opportunistic infections and/or malignancies, and the mortality rate is very high. The syndrome results from a breakdown of the body's disease-fighting mechanism that leaves it defenceless against infections, such as pulmonary tuberculosis, Pneumocystis pneumonia, certain blood infections, candidiasis, invasive cervical cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma or any of over 20 other indicator diseases. No effective treatment is available. A striking feature of AIDS is the wide spectrum and frequency of infections with life-threatening pathogens seldom seen in normal hosts. The illness may begin with insidious signs and symptoms, and the process may be more diffuse than when the same conditions are seen in other immune-compromised patients. Four patterns of disease occur in AIDS patients. The pulmonary pattern, the central nervous system pattern, the gastrointestinal pattern, and the pattern of fever of unknown origin. Most patientswho recover from a given opportunistic infection subsequently either have a relapse or develop a new type of infection. Many patients continue to have a wasting syndrome and experience such infections as oral thrush. Feelings of depression and isolation are common among AIDS patients and can be intensified if health care workers display fear of the syndrome)
akce na vyčištění oblasti postižené katastrofou disaster cleanup operation (A course or procedure of activity designed to clear the debris or remove harmful substances left by an ecological calamity, natural or human in origin, in a given area)
akční plán EU do roku 2010 a na další léta EU Action Plan to 2010 and Beyond
akční plán EU do roku 2010 a na další léta EU Biodiversity Action Plan