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Terms for subject Environment (6284 entries)
Aarhuský protokol z roku 1998 o perzistentních organických znečišťujících látkách 1998 Aarhus Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants
Aarhuský protokol z roku 1998 o perzistentních organických znečišťujících látkách Aarhus Protocol
Aarhuský protokol z roku 1998 o perzistentních organických znečišťujících látkách Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
Aarhuský protokol z roku 1998 o perzistentních organických znečišťujících látkách Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic Pollutants
absolutní objem emisí absolute emissions
absorpce absorption (exposure, The taking in of fluids or other substances by cells or tissues)
absorpce látky znečišťující pollutant absorption (The process by which a pollutant is physically incorporated into another substance or body)
acidifikace acidification (Addition of an acid to a solution until the pH falls below 7)
acidifikace půdy soil acidification (A naturally occurring process in humid climates that has long been the subject of research, whose findings suggest acid precipitation effects. The generally accepted impact of soil acidification on the productivity of terrestrial plants is summarised as follows: as soil becomes more acidic the basic cations (Ca, Mg) on the soil exchange are replaced by hydrogen ions or solubilized metals. The basic cation, now in solution, can be leached through the soil. As time progresses the soil becomes less fertile and more acidic. Resultant decreases in soil pH cause reduced, less-active population of soil microorganisms, which in turn slow decomposition of plant residues and cycling of essential plant nutrients)
acidita vysoká strong acidity (High degree of ionization of an acid in water solution)
Ad hoc pracovní skupina pro další závazky smluvních stran přílohy I v rámci Kjótského protokolu Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol
Ad hoc pracovní skupina pro Durbanskou platformu pro posílenou činnost Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action
adaptace [biologická] specialisation (biological, Evolutionary adaptation to a particular mode of life or habitat)
adaptace ekologická ecological adaptation (Change in an organism so that it is better able to survive or reproduce, thereby contributing to its fitness)
adaptace na změnu klimatu adaptation to climate change
adaptace na změnu klimatu climate change adaptation
Adaptační fond Kjótského protokolu Kyoto Protocol Adaptation Fund
Adaptační fond Kjótského protokolu Adaptation Fund
adicionalita emissions reduction additionality
adresář mailing list (A series of addresses or e-mail addresses to which solicited or unsolicited mass mailings can be sent)