
A Á BČ D Ď E É Ě F G H I Í J K L M N Ň O Ó PR Ř S Š T Ť U Ú Ů V W X Y Ý Z Ž   >>
Terms for subject Law (2377 entries)
"anti-suit injunction" anti-suit injunction
"hard law" hard law
"měkké" právo soft law
"soft law" soft law
"tvrdé" právo hard law
"visa shopping" visa shopping
absolutní výsada absolute privilege
acquis EU EU acquis
acquis EU acquis
acquis EU the body of EU law
acquis EU Union acquis
acquis Společenství Community acquis
acquis Společenství acquis communautaire
acquis Společenství the body of EU law
acquis Unie EU acquis
acquis Unie Union acquis
acquis Unie the body of EU law
acquis Unie acquis
Akademie evropského práva Academy of European Law
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