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Terms for subject Law (245932 entries)
-nalaz veštaka expert witness report
-nepoznavanje zakona ignorance of the law
-probni radni odnos probationary appointment
24 časa around the clock
24 časa na dan round the clock
воен.prednji kraj odbrane forward line of defence
воен.redov enlisted man
перен.doći u sukob sa have a brush with
хинди. ministar mandarin
хинди. smola indijske konoplje charas
a priori verovatnoća a priori probability
a šta nije discern between good and bad
abdiciranje renouncing
abdicirati demise
abdicirati give up
abdicirati renounce
abdicirati renounce the throne
abdicirati renounce to the throne
abdicirati resign from
abdicirati stand down