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Terms for subject Mining (105 entries)
aft support soporte posterior
andalusite and kyanite, whether or not calcined andalucita, cianita, incluso calcinadas
andalusite and kyanite, whether or not calcined mullita
andalusite and kyanite, whether or not calcined tierras de chamota y de dinas
argentiferous lead plomo argentífero
barite barita
blockhole barreno interior
blockhole barreno poco profundo
blowing ventilation ventilación soplante
brattice cloth tela para tabiques de ventilación de minas
burnt dolomite dolomita calcinada
burnt dolomite dolomía calcinada
calcined dolomite dolomita fritada o calcinada
chamotte and dinas earths tierras de chamota y de dinas
chamotte and dinas earths andalucita, cianita, incluso calcinadas
chamotte and dinas earths mullita
clay (other than kaolin) not including expanded clays arcillas (salvo el aolín) excepto las arcillas dilatadas
colliery wastes desechos de las hulleras
concrete cube cubo de hormigón
crushed or broken stone pedernal