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Terms for subject Customs (212 entries)
accept a customs declaration glac le dearbhú custaim
acceptance of a customs declaration glac le dearbhú custaim
acquisition of origin éadáil tionscnaimh
adjustment of a credit balance coigeartú ar chomhardú creidmheasa
adjustment of credit balance coigeartú ar chomhardú creidmheasa
aggregation period tréimhse chomhshuimithe
amount due to the Customs fiach custaim
application for remission of duty iarratas ar loghadh dleachta
approved exporter onnmhaireoir ceadaithe
approved exporter authorisation údarú onnmhaireora ceadaithe
binding origin information faisnéis cheangailteach i leith tionscnaimh
bring goods into the customs territory earraí a thabhairt isteach sa chríoch custaim
bring goods out of the customs territory earraí a thabhairt amach as an gcríoch custaim
broker bróicéir
broker bróicéir custaim
broker gníomhaire custaim
central headquarters ceanncheathrú lárnach
centralised clearance imréiteach láraithe
centralised customs clearance imréiteach láraithe
certificate of country of origin deimhniú bunáite