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Terms for subject Art (1700 entries)
"Books and Archives" "Livre et archives"
"cultural exception" exception culturelle
"Europe, a common heritage" Campaign Campagne "l'Europe, un patrimoine commun"
"The Geographer" le Géographe
abbreviation abréviation
abstract abstrait
abstract abstraitement
abstract extrait
Academy of Fine Arts Académie des Beaux-Arts
Academy of Fine Arts Académie des beaux-arts
Academy of Finland Académie de Finlande
acquisition acquisition
act acte
action "to prevent the public forgetting" action "contre l'oubli"
Action Programme to promote knowledge and dissemination of European artistic and literary creation, notably by means of translation programme d'action destiné à promouvoir la connaissance et la diffusion de la création artistique littéraire européenne notamment par le biais de la traduction
Action Programme to promote knowledge and dissemination of European artistic and literary creation, notably by means of translation programme de soutien dans le domaine du livre et de la lecture
activism activisme
adaptation adaptation
added ajouté
added additif