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Terms for subject Insurance (5512 entries)
"assimilated" container conteneur "assimile"
"best endeavours" "efforts que les participants s'engagent à faire"
"currency cocktail" "cocktail de monnaies"
"double insurance" system systeme d'"assurance double"
"Draft Framework Agreement" of the Berne Union of 1986 projet de convention-cadre de 1986 de l'Union de Berne
"foreign" container conteneur "etranger"
"if and when" sub-contracts sous-traitances "if and when"
"if-and-when"-condition condition "if-and-when"
"Mercurius" Union of Workers in Commerce, Banking, Insurance and the Professions Mercurius, Union professionnelle générale pour le Commerce, la Banque, les Assurances et les Professions libérales
"petits paquets" "petits paquets"
"seaworthiness admitted" clause clause de navigabilité
"sister" undertaking entreprise "soeur"
"standstill" declaration "standstill"
"standstill" declaration statu quo
"straight" bill of lading connaissement "nominatif"
"Subdirection General de Seguros" sous-direction générale des assurances
13m3) tonneau d'encombrement
a form of time charter in which payment for the charter depends on the number of days the charterer uses the vessel affretement au voyage 2. trip charter
a person ... shall be credited pension points une personne...bénéficie d'un crédit de points pour le calcul de sa pension
a posteriori information informations a posteriori