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Terms for subject Environment (5171 entries)
abandoned industrial site (Site that cannot be used for any purpose, being contaminated by pollutants, not necessarily radioactive) forlatt område
abandoned vehicle (A vehicle that has been discarded in the environment, urban or otherwise, often found wrecked, destroyed, damaged or with a major component part stolen or missing) forlatt kjøretøy
abiotic environment (The non-living components of the environment (rocks, minerals, soil, water and climate)) abiotisk miljø
abiotic factor (Physical, chemical and other non-living environmental factors. They are essential for living plants and animals of an ecosystem, providing the essential elements and nutrients that are necessary for growth. The abiotic elements also include the climatic and pedologic components of the ecosystem) abiotisk faktor
absorption (exposure, The taking in of fluids or other substances by cells or tissues) absorpsjon
acceptable daily intake (The measurement of the amount of any chemical substance that can be safely consumed by a human being in a day. Calculations are usually based on the maximum level of a substance that can be fed to animals without producing any harmful effects. This is divided by a "safety factor" to allow for the differences between animals and humans and to take account of the variation in human diets) akseptabelt daglig inntak
acceptable risk level (Level of risk judged to be outweighed by corresponding benefits or one that is of such a degree that it is considered to pose minimal potential for adverse effects) akseptabelt risikonivå
access road (Any street or narrow stretch of paved surface that leads to a specific destination, such as a main highway) tilkjørselsvei
access to administrative documents (The legal right of access to administrative documents or the opportunity to avail oneself of the same) tilgang til administrative dokumenter
access to culture (The ability, right and permission to approach and use, or the general availability of resources that transmit the beliefs, customs, artistic activity and knowledge of a people) kulturtilbud
access to information (The ability, right and permission to approach and use, or the general availability of resources that convey knowledge) informasjonstilgang
access to the courts (The right of citizens to access to the organs of the governments where justice is administered) tilgang til domstol
access to the sea tilgang til sjø
accident (An unexpected occurrence, failure or loss with the potential for harming human life, property or the environment) ulykke
accident source (The cause or origin of an unexpected occurrence, failure or loss with the potential for harming human life, property or the environment) ulykkeskilde
accidental release of organisms (Genetically engineered organisms that are released in the environment by mistake; once released they may exhibit some previously unknown pathogenicity, might take over from some naturally occurring bacteria (possibly having other positive functions which thus are lost) or pass on some unwanted trait to such indigenous bacteria. There is also concern that an uncontrolled genetic mutation could produce a form with hazardous consequences for the environment) utilsiktet utsetting av organismer
accounting (Method of recording all the transactions affecting the financial condition of a business or organization) bokholderi
accumulation in body tissues akkumulering i kroppsvev
accumulator (A rechargeable device for storing electrical energy in the form of chemical energy, consisting of one or more separate secondary cells) akkumulator
acid (A compound capable of transferring a hydrogen ion in solution) syre