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Terms for subject Cooking (804 entries)
apple sauce Apfelmus
apple-turnover Apfeltasche
apricots Marillen
apricot brandy Aprikosengeist
arrange on a serving dish anrichten
artificial sweetener Zuckeraustauschstoff
as a dessert als Dessert Andrey­ Truhac­hev
au gratin überbacken
Austrian cake with chocolate and whipped cream served at Sacher's hotel in Vienna Sachertorte
bacon Frühstücksspeck
bacon fat Speck
baguette Stangenweißbrot
bake in the oven in der Röhre kochen Andrey­ Truhac­hev
baked überbacken
baking chocolate Blockschokolade
banquet Gelage
banquet Schlemmermahl
bar Kneipe
barbecue Grillen
barbecue sausage Rostbratwurst