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Terms for subject Austrian (usage) (159 entries)
acting sergeant Zugsführer
application filed by the holders of a valid residence title (Aufenthaltstitel) intending to change their official purpose of stay in Austria Zweckänderungsantrag
apricot Marille
aubergine Melanzani
Baby Point (branch of the registry office in some hospitals in Vienna that issues birth certificates and other documents related to the birth of a child) Babypoint
bean Fisole
bed settee Bettbank
beer mat Biertatzel
bottle Bouteille
brilliant leiwand
brinjal Melanzani
buddy Spezi
Bye-bye! baba! Andrey­ Truhac­hev
casualty dept. Ambulanz
cauliflower Karfiol
cheesecake Topfenkuchen
chocolate pudding with whipped cream Mohr im Hemd mit Schlagobers
City Council (100 members) Gemeinderat
clamber kraxeln
common bean Fisole