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Terms for subject Name of organization (83 entries)
administrative appeals tribunal Oberverwaltungsgericht
Association Française de Normalisation Association Française de Normalisation
Association of German Car manufacturers Verband der deutschen Automobilindustrie
Association of German Engineers Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
Automobile Club of Switzerland (ACS) Automobilclub der Schweiz
BASt Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen
British Standards Institute British Standards Institute
central accounting service Zentralbuchhaltung
committee Ausschuss
Committee of Common Market Automobile Constructors (CCMC) Association des Constructeurs Europeéns d'Automobiles
Committee of Common Market Automobile Constructors (CCMC) Committee of Common Market Automobile Constructors
Committee of Permanent Representatives Ausschuss der Ständigen Vertreter (AStV)
DEUVET Bundesverband für Clubs klassischer Fahrzeuge e.V.
Economic Commission for Europe Economic Commission for Europe
Environmental Protection Agency's National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory EPA/NVFEL
European Automobile Manufacturers Association Association des Constructeurs Europeéns d'Automobiles
European Automobile Manufacturers Association Committee of Common Market Automobile Constructors
European Motorcycle Union Union Européenne de Motocyclisme
European Organization for Nuclear Research Europäische Organisation für kernphysikalische Forschung
Federal Environmental Agency Umweltbundesamt