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Terms for subject Accumulators (188 entries)
capacity retention 容量保存性能
cathodic polarization カソード分極
cell 単電池
cell 素電池
cell baffle 防沫板
cell can 電池用缶
cell lid ふた
cell reversal 転極
charge acceptance 充電受入性
charge efficiency 充電効率
charge factor 充電係数
charge rate (relating to secondary cells and batteries) 充電率 (二次電池に関する)
charge retention 容量保存性能
charging of a battery 充電
closed circuit voltage 放電電圧 (電池に関する)
closed circuit voltage 閉路電圧
coin cell コイン形電池
coin cell ボタン形電池
constant current charge 定電流充電