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Terms for subject Geology (76 entries)
a representative of
active fold 活褶曲
age {news2 nf27}
agency of geophysical change 営力
angular unconformity 斜交不整合
bedrock 基盤 {ichi1 news1 nf03}
block movement 地塊運動
block of rock completely separated from the surrounding rock either by mineral veins or fault planes 中石
channel 水道
clinkstone 響岩
color index 色指数
colour index 色指数
conglomerate 爍岩
corrosion 溶食
corrosion 溶蝕
counter for decades of ages, eras, etc.
counter for generations
cuesta ケスタ
diatomaceous sediments 珪藻質堆積物
disconformity 平行不整合