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Terms for subject Shinto (128 entries)
grand shrine 大社 {news1 nf23}
grasshopper 禰宜
grasshopper 祢宜
great purification 大祓
great purification 大祓え
great purification 大祓い
guardian deity 氏神 {news2 nf43 spec2}
home shrine 神棚 {news2 nf29}
household shrine 神棚 {news2 nf29}
invocation of the gods participating in a rite 祝詞 {news2 nf41}
junior Shinto priest
local deity 氏神 {news2 nf43 spec2}
locust 禰宜
locust 祢宜
low-ranking priest 御師 (usu. pronounced おんし at Ise Shrine)
medium 巫女 {news2 nf36}
medium 神子
miko 巫女 {news2 nf36}
miko 神子
miko 巫子