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Terms for subject Informal (2268 entries)
accept 諦めつく
acceptable 在り
acceptable 有り
acronym 略字
act carried out while knowing that it should not be 確信犯
act like one has to spare 余裕をかます
act like one has to spare 余裕を噛ます
act like one has to spare 余裕を咬ます
act of sheer madness 狂気の沙汰
act of sheer madness 狂気のさた
act self-importantly でかい顔をする
act self-importantly でかい顔する
acting cool ええかっこしい
acting cool ええかっこしぃ
acting cool いいかっこしい
acting without thinking 思考停止
acupuncture point
acupuncture point
affected とっぽい
after all だって {ichi1}