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Terms for subject Pejorative (662 entries)
-ass 垂れ {news2 nf38 spec1}
-head 垂れ {news2 nf38 spec1}
a tall, gangly person 蚊トンボ
a tall, gangly person 蚊蜻蛉
actor 河原者
actors 河原乞食 (from unlicensed actors in Edo-period Kyoto acting on the riverbanks near Shijō Bridge)
actress 河原者
adulterer 泥棒猫
adulterer 泥棒ネコ
adulterer どろぼう猫
adulterer 盗人猫
all talk 調子がいい
all talk 調子が良い
alligator 鰐口
America ダメリカ
angel of death 疫病神