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Terms for subject Abbreviation (5248 entries)
"day of the ghost" 鬼宿 (sometimes read たまをのぼし or たまほめぼし)
"day of the ghost" 魂緒の星
"day of the ghost" 魂讃め星
"Galapagos" cell phone ガラ携
"grass" kanji
"pocket Hello Kitty" that combines a pedometer and a tamagotchi ポケハロ
"safe" tile 安牌
"safe" tile 安パイ
"salon" where the hostesses are supposedly part-timers with other jobs アルサロ (from アルバイト and salon)
'ra'-removed ら抜き
-less レス {gai1}
100 metre individual medley いちこめ (from 100メートル個人メドレー)
100 yen shop 100均 {spec1}
100 yen shop 百均
100 yen store 100円均一
3-way struggle 三つ巴
33 temples in the Kinki area containing a statue of Avalokitesvara 西国
35th day after a person's death 五七
6-8 seat automobile with sliding door or doors ワンボックス