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Terms for subject Information technology (27763 entries)
"back-office terminal" backoffice terminal
"big bang" integration niet-incrementele integratie
"drive by wire" mode volledig elektronisch gestuurd
"means-ends" analysis middel-doel analyse
"need to know" kennisnemingsbehoefte
"need to know" need-to-know
"need to know" noodzaak van kennisneming
"retour" interpreting retourvertolking
"retour" interpreting terugvertolking
"sleep" mode slaapstand
"stop on command" system noodstopprogramma
"stop on contact" system stop-bij-contactsysteem
"Symbiosis" information network Voorlichtingsnetwerk "Symbiosis"
"Varilux-type lenses "varilux-glas
"vertical" software vertikale software
invocation aanroepen van een (N)
-establish procedure if-needed facet
-establish procedure if-needed demon