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Terms for subject Natural resourses and wildlife conservation (5812 entries)
"scomber" mackerels makrelen
2-2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxypropionic acid fenoprop
aardvark aardvarken
aardvark aardvark
abalone zeeoor
abalones zeeoren
Abbots's booby Abbott-rotspelikaan
abdominal fillet buiklap
Abies alba plantation in the Apennines Apennijns sparrenbos met Gewone Zilverspar
Abruzzi chamois Italiaanse gems
abscisic acid dormine
abutilon hemp abutilonhennep
abutilon hemp Chinese jute
abutilon hemp Ching-Ma jute
abutilon hemp King-Ma jute
abutilon hemp Tien-Tsin jute
acadian flycatcher groene elftiran
acadian flycatcher vaalgroene empidonax
accipitridae havikachtigen
achene dopvrucht