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Terms for subject Hobbies and pastimes (1996 entries)
"Europuzzle" televised competition fjernsynsspillet "Europuzzle"
"Eurotourism 1990" newsletter informationsbulletin med titlen "Euroturisme 1990"
"No" holiday "nej"-fest
access area adgangsareal
accessibility for disabled tourists adgangsmuligheder for handicappede turister
accommodation during the low season indkvartering i lavsæsonen
accommodation service indkvarteringsmulighed
accompanying police officer politiledsager
accordion folding foldning i S-form
actinism aktinitet
Action programme for European Tourism Year (1990) Handlingsprogram for Det Europæiske Turistår1990
action research interventionsanalyse
activities in the nursery school børnehaveaktiviteter
addition of tannin tilsætning af garvesyre
adjust the length of the stirrup justere længden af stigbøjle
adjustable counterweight indstillelig kontravægt
adsorbent adsorber
adsorbent adsorberende materiale
adsorbing material adsorberende materiale
adsorbing material adsorber