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Terms for subject Optics (branch of physics) (22 entries)
anti-reflection lens 不反光眼镜
bifocal lens 双光眼镜,双焦距透镜
colored lens 彩色透镜
contact lens 隐形眼镜片
cylinder 圆柱,圆柱体,圆筒
far-sightedness 远视
filter 滤光器,滤光片
light spot 亮点,光点,光斑
metal rim 金属圈
multifocal lens 多焦点透镜,变焦透镜
near-sightedness 近视
PD meter 瞳距计
prescription 处方,验光单
progressive multifocal lens 渐进多焦点透镜
pupil distance 眼瞳距离
pupil distance 眼幅
reading glasses 老花镜
sphere 球形
Starting from Collins integral formula, the focusing characteristics of Gaussian beams passing through a bifocal lens are studied 从柯林斯积分公式出发,研究了高斯光束通过双焦透镜后的聚焦特性