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Terms for subject Dragon dance (155 entries)
choreography 套路
choreography examination 套路检查
choreography keeper 编排记录员
circle 圆场圈
cloth dragon 布龙
coil the pole 盘柱
composition of judges 裁判人员的组成
composition of letter model 组字造型
compulsory exercise 规定套路
creation movement 创新动作
criterion of evaluation 评分标准
cruising movements 游龙动作
curve model 曲线造型
dance the dragon with single leg kneeling 单跪舞龙
dance the dragon with two persons changing position 双人换位舞龙
dance with legs winding waist 挂腰舞龙
dancer 舞龙舞狮运动员
dancer holding the ball 持龙珠队员
dancer holding the dragonhead 持龙头队员
deficiency of difficulty 难度不足