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Terms for subject Labor law (810 entries)
3-shift work system with 4 groups of workers 四班三运转制
4-shift work system with a 6-hour workday 四六工作制
ability to work 劳动能力
absence rate 缺勤率
absence without leave 旷工
absence without leave 旷职
absent 缺勤
absent 不呈现
absent without leave 旷工
accident reporting 伤害报吿
activity of March-Eighth Red-Banner Pacesetter 三八红旗手活动
actual working hours 实际工时
additional wage 附加工资
adult education 成人补习教育
advanced worker 先进生产者
age at entry into employment 就业年龄
age at retirement 退休年龄
age at withdrawal 退休年龄
age benefit 老年福利金
age cohorts 年龄分组