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Terms for subject Idiomatic (223 entries)
enter into the picture 出现
enter into the picture 显得突出
enter into the picture 引起人们注意
enter into the picture 起作用
enter into the picture 被牵涉到
enter into the picture 牵连进去
fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友 Cooper­Agent
far cry 很远的距离
far cry 很大的差
flip a switch 拨〔轻按一下〕开关
for (one's) pains 作为对辛苦的报答
get clear away 完全离开
get into hot water 陷人困境
get short-shrift 受冷遇
glow with enthusiasm 热情洋溢
go boom 毁灭
go boom 崩溃
go down the drain 愈来愈糟
go down the drain 每况愈下
go down the drain 失败