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Terms for subject Labor law (810 entries)
age-limit-system 到规定年龄自动退职制度
agricultural labourer 农业劳动者
all -excellent project emulation 创全优工程竞赛
Alliance for Labor Action
allocation of workers and staff 职工调配
allowance for the post 岗位津贴
allowance for under-pit work 矿山井下津贴
allowance for work stoppage 停工津贴
allowance system 津贴制度
allowance system 津贴制
annual leave 年度假
anticollision device
application of job 申请工作职业
apply for a position 谋职
apply for appointment 请求录用
apply for employment 谋事
apprentice 学徒
apprentice 徒工
apprentice 见习生
apprenticeship 徒工制度