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Terms for subject Law (1410 entries)
accessible justice 可获得的公正
accession 登记材料
accessory contract 合同附件
accessory contract 从契约
accommodation purchase 通融购货
account of 某人账内
accountability 问责
accreditation 认可
accrual of obligation 履约期债务到期或债务归属已被明确规定的要求债务归还的期限
achieve (one's) aim 达到目的
acquisition or loss 得失
action ex contractu 依据合同的诉讼
action ex delicto 根据损害赔偿提起的诉讼
actionable subsidies 可起诉的补贴
actual time 动作〔实际〕时间
ad finem 到最后
ad finem
ad referendum 有待审核〔批准〕
ad referendum
ad referendum 有待审核