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Terms for subject Acridology (211 entries)
acridid 蝗虫
adult hopper 成蝗
African migratory locust 非洲飞蝗 (Locusta migratoria migratorioides)
air spray unit 空气喷雾装置
air to air spraying 空对空喷雾
air to ground spraying 空对地喷雾
American grasshopper 美洲沙漠蝗 (Schistocerca americana)
American locust 美洲沙漠蝗 (Schistocerca americana)
anti-locust 治蝗的
anti-locust mission 治蝗任务
area of hopper bands 蝗蝻带面积
arthrodial membrane 节间膜
arthrodial membrane 关节膜
band 蝗群
band 蝗蝻带
Bombay locust 印度黄脊蝗 (Patanga succincta)
breakdown lorry 分拆运输
breeding 繁殖区
brown locust 褐色拟飞蝗 (Locusta pardalina)
caging method 饲育笼法